

The Mark of the Beast

Many people are confused and disturbed by the various signs and symbols used in the Book of Revelation. Numerous self-proclaimed ‘prophecy experts’ add to the confusion with their erroneous interpretations which suggest that current world events are the fulfillment of the things discussed in Revelation.

Students of this important book in the New Testament should always remember the important ‘keys’ to under-standing which are expressed in the very first verse. It clearly states that “things which must shortly come to pass” are under consideration, and these are “signified” (spoken in signs by use of symbolic language) in the book.

Many have tried to decipher the “mark of the beast” which is mentioned several times in the final chapters of Revelation. Here’s what seems clear:

- The “beast” was a representation of agents that Satan (“the dragon”) was using to persecute Christians.

- Those who worshipped the beast and received his mark were the ones who aligned with those evil forces that were opposing God and His people.

- Some have speculated that those who received the “mark of the beast” on their hand were the ones who compromised with these opposing forces for their own safety and prosperity. They might not have really accepted the worship of the beast ‘in their head,’ but they outwardly complied for convenience sake. But, those who received the mark on their forehead were the ones who were fully accepting of everything these evil forces where doing.

- The promise of God was that any and all who united with the forces that were opposing the Lord and persecuting His saints would “drink of the wine of the wrath of God” (14:10).

The “mark of the beast” is not something that is happening in the world today. But it is still true that those who oppose God will pay an eternal price for their rebellion.