Bible Classes

Bible Classes

Displaying 651 - 675 of 1322

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/23/22 The Holy Spirit & The Apostles/Prophets David Maxson N/A Sun Bible Study 20221023CLASS-DavidMaxson-TheHolySpiritTheApostlesProphets.mp3
10/23/22 Job - Week 4 Ashley Miller N/A Sun Bible Study A_Recipe_for_Unity.pptx 20221023Class-_Ashley_Miller_-_Job.mp3
10/19/22 Minor Prophets: Joel Matt Hall N/A Wed Bible Study 20221019CLASS-MattHall-MinorProphets-Joel.mp3 Minor_Prophets_Week_2-1666226947.pptx
10/19/22 Revelation - Week 3 Bob Simpson N/A Wed Bible Study Revelation_Bob_Simpson.m4a
10/19/22 Personal Evangelism - 3 - Great Commission vs. Acts 2 Ryan Hasty Personal Evangelism Wed Bible Study 2_-_Great_Commision_Vs._Acts_2.pptx 20221019Class_-_Ryan_Hasty_-_Personal_Evangelism.mp3
10/16/22 Job - Week 2 Bryce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study 20221009Class_-_Bryce_Daniels_-_Job.mp3
10/16/22 The Holy Spirit & Me Ethan Highfill N/A Sun Bible Study 20221016CLASS-EthanHighfill-The_Holy_Spirit__Me.mp3
10/12/22 Overview and Obadiah Matt Hall Minor Prophets Wed Bible Study 20221012PM-MattHall-Obidiah.mp3 Minor_Prophets_Week_2.pptx
10/12/22 Personal Evangelism - 2 - Wrong Vs. Right Ways Ryan Hasty Personal Evangelism Wed Bible Study 20221012Class_-_Ryan_Hasty_-_Personal_Evangelism.mp3
10/12/22 Revelation - Week 2 Bob Simpson N/A Wed Bible Study University_Church_Of_Christ.m4a
10/09/22 Lesson 2: The Holy Spirit David Maxson The Holy Spirit Sun Bible Study 20221009_Holy_Spirit_Lesson_2.mp3
10/05/22 Minor Prophets Overview Matt Hall N/A Wed Bible Study 20221005CLASS-MattHall-MinorProphetsOverview.mp3 Minor_Prophets.pptx
10/05/22 Revelation - Week 1 Bob Simpson N/A Wed Bible Study Bob_Simpson_Intro_to_Revelation.m4a
10/05/22 Personal Evangelism - 1 - Introduction Caleb Daniels Personal Evangelism Wed Bible Study Personal_Evangelism_-_1_-_Introduction.mp3
10/02/22 The Holy Spirit: A Personal Being & Member of the Godhead David Maxson The Holy Spirit Sun Bible Study 20221002CLASS-DavidMaxson-TheHolySpirit-A_Personal_Being__Member_of_the_Godhead.mp3
10/02/22 Job - Week 1 Bryce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study 20221002Class-BryceDaniels-Job.mp3
09/28/22 Nehemiah Walker Davis N/A Wed Bible Study 20220928Class-WalkerDavis-Nehemiah.mp3
09/28/22 Galatians 6:1 - 6:18 Ryan Hasty Galatians Wed Bible Study Gal_6.1_-_6.18.pptx Galatians_6.1_-_6.18.mp3
09/25/22 The Fear of God David Maxson N/A Sun Bible Study 20220925CLASS-DavidMaxson-TheFearofGod.mp3
09/21/22 Galatians 5:16 - 5:26 Jeff Jerkins Galatians Wed Bible Study Galatians_5.16_-_5.26.mp3
09/18/22 The Jealous God David Maxson N/A Sun AM 20220918class_-_DavidMaxsonTheJealousGod.mp3
09/14/22 Galatians 5:1 - 5:15 Ryan Hasty Galatians Wed Bible Study Galatians_5.1_-_5.15.mp3 Gal_5.1_-_5.15.pptx
09/14/22 Nehemiah 6-8:12 Walker Davis N/A Wed Bible Study 20220914CLASS-WalkerDavis-Nehemiah6-812.mp3
09/11/22 The Wrath of God David Maxson N/A Sun Bible Study 20220911CLASS-DavidMaxson-TheWrathofGod.mp3
09/07/22 Nehemiah 5-7 David Maxson N/A Wed Bible Study 20220907WedPMBibleStudyEzraNeh5-7DavidMaxson.mp3 Ezra__Nehemiah_-_Neh_5-7.pptx

Displaying 651 - 675 of 1322

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